Thursday, January 23, 2014


 Creativity rose to its crescendo, with authors-poets, sharing their creative experiences and expressing their creative process in the National Seminar on UNHEARD REGIONAL CREATIVE VOICES AND INDIAN LITERATURE which commenced here today in Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU).  The Dept. of English & Foreign Languages and the Dean, Student’s Welfare office is organizing this two day National Seminar.
          MDU Vice Chancellor H.S.Chahal while inaugurating the seminar said that literature and culture are essential part of life. Literature encompasses love and truth, and all finer feelings of humanity.  He said that literature helps in transcending the narrow boundaries of life, and ascend to the higher life of universality. He congratulated the organizers for projecting the regional creative voices. Senior Faculty members Prof. Surender Singh Sangwan threw the light on the background of this seminar. He termed literature as a great river which encompasses myriad literary tributaries, and spoke about literature and culture as symbol of human  and societal identity.
          Speaking in the seminar, author B.L. Gautam said that writer create illusion of reality. He said that a writer has a child within who plays with his/her perception of realities, and create a new literary world. He suggested that if one intends to exist, one has to create his/her own story. He opined that literature especially novel can provide answers to many socio-cultural problems.
          Noted author Bhagwan Das Morwal said that India is a country of multi-language and multi-culture. Each region has its own socio-cultural nuances. Creative persons need to highlight the rich pluralistic  traditions of our country, he added. He read a passage from his acclaimed novel RET, and shared his creative experiences vis-à-vis writing about his native land Mewat.
          Noted poet Amit Dahiya ‘Baadshah’ said that poetry is a strong medium of reaching one and all. He said that all creative expressions, including poetry must be relevant to the time and age concerned. Explaining the poetic journey, Amit Dahiya opined that writing poetry is a fine craft like carpentry or farming.  He recited his poems- A Passing Voice, Bhiksha, Mitti, Father Days’, Happy Diwali in Lajpat Nagar and Last Will of the Tiger, etc., and expressed a wide range of human emotions by his fantastic poetic recitation.
          Acclaimed Haryanvi poet- author Jagbir Rathee said that poetic creativity must be expressed with full flow of feelings and emotions. He said that pain- physical, mental, emotional- too spark off literary creativity. He emphasized on honing creative imagination for literary pursuits. Jagbir Rathee recited his famous poem- MAATI KA CHULHA- and made eyes moist with his emotional poetic rendering of this poem which talked about break down of joint family system.
          Head, Dept. of English and Foreign Languages Prof. S.P.S Dahiya expressed the Vote of Thanks. He informed that the Department will organize an International Seminar in the month of October. He said that this seminar was unique as it has provided a foundation for regional creative voices. Faculty members Dr. Randeep Rana and Dr. Jaibir Hooda conducted session(s) of the seminar.
          Notably, academicians, research scholars, and students are attending this two day National Seminar. Regional Literature in all its genres- poetry, drama, prose, etc. is in focus in this two day National Seminar.